Schattman Teaching Statement

Across the globe, changing environmental conditions pose increasingly significant challenges to many communities. Communities that are highly dependent on natural resources are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. To address problems of global environmental change at global, regional, national, and local levels, there is a growing need for emerging professionals who are knowledgeable, compassionate, and effective leaders in their respective fields. I believe it is my role as a teacher to support students to be this type of leader. I strive to do so by creating an environment where students can (a) apply knowledge of basic and complex topics in previously unencountered contexts; (b) develop a critical lens through which they review information and contend with social power dynamics; and (c) communicate effectively using oral, written, graphical, and interactive approaches. I accomplish this by creating a collaborative and highly interactive learning environment that both supports and challenges students, using their prior life experiences and interests as the foundation of our work together.

Full length teaching statement

Courses (currently taught at the University of Maine)

Vegetable and Fruit Production (PSE 215) - Fall, every other year

Sustainable Food Systems - Challenges and Opportunities (PSE 312) - Fall, every other year

Agroecology and Sustainable Cropping Systems (PSE 360) - Fall, every other year

Sustainable Horticulture and Agriculture Capstone (service learning course) (PSE 430) - Spring, annually

Past Courses

University of Maine - Cropping Systems (PSE 101) - Spring 2020.

University of Vermont - Organic Farm Planning (PSS 206) - Spring 2016. Syllabus.

University of Vermont - Vermont Food Systems - Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Spring 2012. Syllabus.

Curriculum Development

The Climate Adaptation Fellowship, Vegetable and Small Fruit Module, 2017-2018. Target audience: Farmers and agricultural advisers.

Farming in the Floodplain (with B.P. Warner) developed through the Teaching Socio-environmental Synthesis with Case Studies, The National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). July 2016. Target audience: Graduate students.

Around the Table with Local Food - for the Expanded Food Nutrition Access Program in Vermont, 2012. Target audience: Parents of small children.